Research methods workshop on 16th September
On 16th September 2021, EQUIMOB and Meaningful Mobility research projects co-organised and conducted a research methods workshop ‘Behind the Scenes: Discussions around Research Methods’ in association with the Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE).

With 40 participants from different geographies, the workshop introduced different spatial, visual, and remote research methods. The speakers (from MAHE and the research projects) focused on how they used specific methods, associated challenges and opportunities, and how different methods could be used in varied contexts. They provided examples from their researches in different geographies and with different research participants (such as older adults, adolescents) to discuss on-ground issues and learnings with the participants.

After an interactive Q&A round in each methods session, the workshop ended with a hands-on activity for the participants to use the methods covered in the sessions.